Terms of Service
By purchasing this product you agree to terms of service
By purchasing this product you agree to "Terms of service" / "Return and Refund Policy
Please read this policy carefully. This is the Return and Refund Policy of WoW Robo Fish.
Digital products. We do not issue refunds for digital products once the order is confirmed and the product is sent. We recommend contacting us for assistance if you experience any issues receiving or downloading our products.
If you have any issues with using the product please get in contact through discord or email:wowrobofish@gmail.com
Contact us If you have any questions about our Returns and Refunds Policy, please contact us: By email: wowrobofish@gmail.com
§ 1 Blizzard’s anti-cheat has kernel level 3 permissions. That means that they can scan for the processes which are being run while using WoW. The bot is designed to look unique for each instance run so risk of being caught directly is low. Most bans occur because the user’s behaviour is determined to be bot-like or being reported by other players. To avoid lower the risk of being caught this way please read the following on how to stay safe while using WoW Robo Fish https://www.wowrobofish.com/botting-safely.
§ 2 By purchasing our service you have agreed to a virtual non-refundable digital product. Any misuse such as chargebacks or disputes will result, in a permanent termination of WoWRoboFish future products and removes your right to any future update of the software. We also reserve the right to raise a legal dispute against you. "
§ 3 WoWRoboFish also holds the rights to change the "Terms of service" at any time given.
§ 4 sharing, publishing or any other form of publishing "you're" license (our software) will result in a permanent termination of future services/products and removes your right to any future update of the software
§ 5 Talking / writing bad language about our name/product/service will result in a permanent termination of future services/products and removes your right to any future update of the software
§ 6 Talking / writing bad language about / to our staff will result in a permanent termination of future services/products and removes your right to any future update of the software
§ 7 Copying our products / service in features / design or any other form will result in a legal case against you
§ 8 Bot crash information is also recorded and sent securely to a database for debugging purposes only, no personal information is sent with the exception of the user login info. Purchasing a licence constitutes an agreement to the debugging information being securely sent to the database and being used for debugging only.
§ 9 Are you new to the cheating game? We may get banned at one point, just face it. If we all use it with caution and don't do anything stupid while using the software we will minimize the risk of being caught. Please refer to the following link for guidance on how to reduce your risk getting caught using WoW Robo Fish, https://www.wowrobofish.com/botting-safely.
Note that the ToS stated above applies to all licences sold and applies to WoW Classic and Retail. Our aim is to provide the best-value WoW fishing bot on the market that you will love using!