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1 on 1 support and multiboxing

- Get 1 on 1 support with me through discord

Discord: Bartek#3406

- Use the multiboxing feature to increase the amount of fish you loot!

Multi-use licence and Virtual Machines

- Licences can be used up to 3 times simultaneously

- Use the multi licence property of the bot to maximise your gold making!

Virtual Machine compatible

- Recommend using VMWare Workstation


- 6 built-in security features (4 configurable)

- Bot changes the name of the process every time it is opened

- The signature of the bot is changed randomly every time it's opened, making this bot very hard to track

Gold maximisation


- Maximise your gold making using the fish selector for both Retail and Classic World of Warcraft

- Fish selector allows you to catch only the fish you want to keep!

- Fill your bags with only the valuable fish

Apply lures

- Apply lures in two ways with WoW Robo Fish

- Use a coordinate system to apply lures

- You can also use keybinds to apply lures with the bot

Supported languages

Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish


Hearthstone exit feature

Realistic mouse movement with configurable speed

Water-walking spells can be used in the bot, so you can fish out in the middle of nowhere!

HEX splash colour can also be used to to find when a fish is on the end of your bobber!


- Use up to 5 of your macros in the fishing cycle!

- For example, you can write macros to throw away certain fish from your inventory, or use it to apply buffs whilst fishing!

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